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IPL Segment 12 / 13

Midlothian, Texas


Tarrant Regional Water District


$143 million



About the Project:

Thalle completed a large component of the Integrated Pipeline Project (IPL) for Tarrant Regional Water District. The project included construction of 68,600 linear feet of 108” steel water along the proposed alignment of Sections 12 and 13, installation of valves and structures, construction of a cathodic protection system, construction of three 150 million-gallon earthen reservoirs lined with geonet composite with filter fabric on both sides, 60 mil HDPE liner and 9 inches of soil cement, installation of six inlet and outlet structures, reinforced concrete encased inlet and outlet pipe, construction of site electrical system, communications system and control building, construction of the reservoir underdrain system, installation of approximately 8,730 linear feet of yard piping and various site, civil and roadway improvements.

This project represents more than one example of the teamwork and value that Thalle strives for by having an overall price reduction in the contract and being delivered on time. This project is widely recognized for its innovative components and large scale, as well as having the distinction of our Thalle team installing the world’s largest gate valve.


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